Today a friend of mine came to the clinic, wanted a second opinion regarding her pregnancy. She is currently at 38weeks pregnancy. I did a scan for her when she was 36weeks, the baby had a transverse lie so I immediately referred her to the hospital. Apparently, she asked for an AOR discharge despite the counseling given for her unstable lie. She was keen to deliver in a private hospital.
Well, today she came to me saying that 2 days back, she had a follow up in a private hospital. She was told that her baby weighing 2.8kg and her AFI (amniotic fluid index) is high - 21. She was told to come back for a repeat scan on the 31st of Jan. The thing is, she said every appointment will cost her ~RM270! Quite a lot for a chit chat and scan she claimed. Previously at another private hospital, they charged her around RM100+/appointment, never reaching RM200. So she asked me very nicely whether I could her help to scan and to double check her AFI.
Turned out that her AFI was normal, only 14.8. I scanned twice for confirmation and the result was about the same. Even during her 36weeks scan, her AFI was about that range, far from number 20. I counseled her and gave some suggestions since she looked worried and frustrated. Of course, the AFI level may increase and decrease throughout the pregnancy but for now, the AFI is normal. Even the presentation was cephalic and she had no labor symptom so she shouldn't worry much.
She asked me whether she should still go and repeat her scan in the private hospital (and pay RM270)? I answered her with honesty but let just keep it as a secret ;)
She delivered her 4 children previously by a female Muslim doctor in a private hospital. For her 5th pregnancy, she is very keen to do the same. Unfortunately, in Manjung, most of the O&G specialists are male and non-Muslim. The nearest you can go is Ipoh or Taiping.
To conclude all that, we really need a female Muslim 0&G specialist in Manjung! You can really make money here you know!
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