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Showing posts with label thedreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thedreams. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 January 2019

The dream to further study in Public health

I am turning 34 years old this year, and just last week, I took the entrance exam and interview for Public Health master programme. 2months prior to the exam, I pushed myself to study hard. But well, it was hard. It was hard for me to concentrate with husband was not around most of the time, what with the 2 heroes running and seeking for my attention, and when I had finally had my own time, I will be occupied with the phone! The phone is the strongest enemy. Of course, if I want to make an excuse, the study was slightly difficult and many new things to learn and to memorize. Once I did not understand something, my mind went blank and my hand will move to the phone. The rest is history. Every time I realized 'oh, what am I doing?', I went back to my study but the time still wasted.

To prevent myself from doing the same mistakes over and over again, I write! I read,  I understand, and I write. I realize when I write, I can memorize better, my mind can focus better, no time is wasted. The time is so precious because, at any time, the kids could come and jump on you, or they simply ask to make milk for them, or they poo. But thanks to them, my life is alive, whatever I am doing now is because of them. I want to further study so I could become a specialist, in a hope that I can provide a better life for them. Thank God people in Public Health currently encourage the doctors who want to be part of them, to prioritize family too. Family first, they said.

This reminds me why I want to further my study. Can't remember where I read/heard this saying that all Muslims are encouraged to study until the highest level you can go. For me, since I've been working in Klinik Kesihatan for a long long time, if FMS is a no-no, Public Health is the only another option. The good thing about Public Health is that everyone must learn from the beginning. I am not too far behind the others. We are also obliged to be in the Mentor-mentee programme for at least 6months for learning more deeply on Public Health. New health issues come out every day so you learn from there too.

How were my exam and interview? Not bad I guess, I did my best but obviously still lacking here and there. My nerves during the interview were also quite a disaster. But I guess it's all up to my rezeki now. Tawakkal to Allah and redha with whatever result I get. Allah is always the best planner. So you pray, pray that He always guide you to stay on the right path in life, pray that whatever comes along in your life has a good reason, pray that whichever road you choose to go, it is the best road that leads you to His blessing. InsyaAllah...

Monday 28 January 2019


ok in 2018 I posted only 2 posts in this blog lol! I spent much of my time looking at phones or handling the kids, made me forget that I like to write in my past time.

I wrote a novel during secondary school, most students in my class would take turns to read the novel and told me they enjoyed reading it. I myself enjoyed writing it. somehow the novel didn't make it when one of my friends sent it to a publisher, not sure what happened but i didn't get back my novel, wonder where is the novel now hmm..  The thing is, definitely, i can write a story. even in our yearbook under my picture, it was written:- 'future novelist'!

where is the dream to become a novelist gone i wonder? of course, i have a stable career now, a family and other responsibilities, but i still remember there was a wish in my heart that someday i would write a story and get it published. i wish that someday i can buy a book with my name on the front cover as the writer. Possibly possible?

Tuesday 23 December 2014

aku & rinduku

walaupun x pernah sampai, 
tapi rasa rindunya x terubat
walaupun hanya pernah lihat di kaca televisyen
pasti indahnya jika dapat lihat sendiri di depan mata
Ya Allah jemputlah aku ke tanah suciMu...
harini cover kd kg koh..cuaca ala2 mendung so ptn pun slow je..ntah kenapa tetibe je teringat plan nk g umrah yg ditangguhkan tu..
hm..mcmana ntah blh terfikir nak pergi je dlu dgn bizal & kfizan..nnt abah dh sembuh ada rezeki leh pergi lagi..
so terus wassap bizal...
btau dia cadangan nk g ber3 je dulu..pastu bizal tny budget, & suggest mungkin blh bawa mak jugak..
hm betul jugak..mak pun dh lbh 45tahun so blh tumpang mahram..
skrg ni keputusan still pending. dh wassap kfizan jugak minta dia pujuk2 bizal utk pergi april 2015
jemputlah aku Ya Allah..
jemputlah kami..Ameen
semoga dipermudahkan
teringin sangat nk jejak kaki ke sana..beribadat..minta ampun..
teringin nak ucapkan salam kepada Rasulullah & para sahabat..
teringin nak berdiri mengadap Kaabah depan mata..